Own a Cell Phone? Read This. (in Off-topic)

Adminedyit [Superheros] October 19 2007 10:43 AM EDT

On October 17th all US cell phone numbers were released to telemarketing companies. You can prevent them from harassing you and wasting your minutes and money by calling 1-888-382-1222 or by going to this site.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 19 2007 10:46 AM EDT

Thanks for the reminder edy!

QBsutekh137 October 19 2007 10:48 AM EDT

Um, hoax?

Snopes Link.

Where did you hear about this? I think the ability to get off the list has been around since 2003, but maybe this is finally the REAL deadline?

QBsutekh137 October 19 2007 10:59 AM EDT

Heh, it can't hurt to re-register in any case, right? *smile*

bartjan October 19 2007 11:07 AM EDT

"Heh, it can't hurt to re-register in any case, right? *smile*"

Well, I did register a never-used-before email address on the DMA's do-not-spam list. Guess what happened to that email address? ;)

Brakke Bres [Ow man] October 19 2007 11:17 AM EDT

Well if they do that you can sue your local provider for breaking the privacy laws. And if they don't have privacy laws basically your screwed.

QBsutekh137 October 19 2007 11:33 AM EDT

Ack, don't scare me, bart!

Adminedyit [Superheros] October 19 2007 2:41 PM EDT

Well sut i called and registered 2 weeks ago and haven't had any calls so i figured if i was going to get spammed with calls it would have happened by now. And i heard about it through work, the mayors secretary stuck a memo in all our mail boxes since we have phones supplied by the town.
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