Can we get a higher missile allowance? (in Changelog)

QBRanger October 18 2007 4:03 PM EDT

Now that we have the HOC giving an extra round of missile combat AND there are no seekers to horde, can the maximum amount of ammo be raised to lets say 20k?

Relic October 18 2007 4:30 PM EDT

Why even have a limit now that there is no rare ammo?

QBRanger October 18 2007 4:31 PM EDT

Since the store only refreshes every so often I guess to prevent there being no arrows/bolts/shots for people when they need it?

AdminLamuness October 18 2007 4:52 PM EDT

Illithias: To prevent rich characters from hogging all the ammo (rare or not).

QBJohnnywas October 18 2007 5:02 PM EDT

I use a lot of ammo; but still it lasts me several days. I personally wouldn't need 20k worth. But I don't have two minions needing ammo lol.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] October 18 2007 5:17 PM EDT

Actually lower the amount of ammo on each character. That will put a damper on elb and msk users

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 18 2007 5:37 PM EDT

I agree

Not that I will be using an Elbow much longer, but most of the time when I go to buy arrows I might score 300. Sometimes I get lucky and buy 10k, but that doesn't happen too often.

Though once my Exbow is under my WA I will be using the ever so plentiful bolts again :D

AdminJonathan October 18 2007 5:56 PM EDT

I added code to refresh the ammo after each purchase if necessary, and removed the ammo limit.

Last Gasp October 18 2007 6:08 PM EDT

Yes, let's limit the number of arrows availlable!

And while Jon's at it, he can add "Manna Points" to limit mages.

And add a "Dulling" component to limit mêlée teams.

That's what the BA is all about folks - a limit.

The "volume" of arrows should be just as available as magic is to a mage and one's weapon is for a mêlée team.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] October 18 2007 6:09 PM EDT

whoa, no ammo limit?! ... but i guess that means more ammo spawns if needed?...(does that mean if we buy it all out exp shots spawn ^.^)

Flamey October 18 2007 6:11 PM EDT

wow, lol at that.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] October 18 2007 6:25 PM EDT

right ranger asks for something and that gets done straight away?
Bof when do you ever need more then 15k arrows??????

Let me guess you dont want to visit the weapon shop every 320 fights????

Brakke Bres [Ow man] October 18 2007 6:28 PM EDT

ow and this effectively means exp shot hoarding and no chance getting exp shot (the only RARE ammo in this game) for any other user. I just buy every exp shot in auctions and in store, so no one will ever have them beside me?

Does this mean exp shot rate is going up?

48Zach October 18 2007 6:34 PM EDT

Henk -- It means that everyone will be going AxBow lol

QBRanger October 18 2007 7:09 PM EDT

Thank you Jon.

However I hope people will still sell exshots not horde the heck out of them.

QBJohnnywas October 18 2007 7:23 PM EDT

Apologies Henk, I just damn near cleared out auctions of ex-shot - pure panic buying really....

Gotta say though, 20k of ex shot is going to last me a few weeks. And I'm probably using more than most.

So anybody who doesn't use shot, just sells it - if you're reading this - who's going to hoard shot and save it up for BIG bundles. Don't bother. You'll just be sitting on stuff you won't be able to sell that often. Keep it small and sell often. The likes of me will still buy it and you'll still make money.

If you don't look out. I'm pretty good at camping ex shot. And I'll go back to giving it away to people that use it....just to stop you hoarding the stuff......;)

Talion October 18 2007 8:46 PM EDT

What about explosive shots? Now that there is no limit, someone can hoard all the explosive shots in the world.

I think the limit still has a purpose. It also makes sense to have a limit to the amount of ammo 4 characters can carry.

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] October 18 2007 9:23 PM EDT

Well let me say this... before the change I would run out of stacks of 1k bolts and be taking little stacks of under 500 out of the store... that doesn't last long especially when I burn through about 7k bolts a day if not more. So for me this change will help me alot... more shopping, less often...

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] October 19 2007 12:55 AM EDT

How about rid of the small bundles now, the ones that are under 500?

Talion October 19 2007 8:56 AM EDT

How about an ammo auto-supply system that works like the character healing process?

Users choose the ammo and the amount of +'s and x's to associate with their minion's ranged weapon. The price varies depending on the ammo, but it gets automatically charged and replenished to 100 before every fight.

That would free up some space in the weapons store and let people choose how much they want to spend on ammo.

Since defensive ammo would be free but it would be necessary to prevent users from upgrading to [x100](+100) ammo for defense, the following rules could be applied:

(1) Ammo used for defense could be an average of the ammo used for challenges during the past week.
(2) A character inactive for more than one week automatically uses base ammo.
(3) A character that spend less than 160 BA in a 24 hour period is considered inactive for that day.

I think this would be fun.

The difficult part would be to determine how the naming process would work. But it could be something like paying for a certain amount of named ammo per user. If a user pays for 3 named ammos, he can equip a total of 3 minions with named ammo.
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