Another one goes into the history books!!! Good job.... Yukk! (in Off-topic)

48Zach October 15 2007 9:18 PM EDT

Reda Luu - Score / PR / MPR: 1,868,030 / 2,474,364 / 2,001,255

One more to hit the 2million mark! Good job man!

Lumpy Koala October 15 2007 9:32 PM EDT

Nice :) Will probably take me a couple more months to do the same :P "IF" I still have the interest to play

Adminedyit [Superheros] October 15 2007 9:33 PM EDT


QBRanger October 15 2007 9:37 PM EDT

Well Done!

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] October 15 2007 9:51 PM EDT

Very cool, congrats :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] October 15 2007 11:08 PM EDT


Yukk October 15 2007 11:10 PM EDT

Thanks guys. It kind of snuck up on me. I'm so busy chasing other impossible goals that I didn't see it.

Synge [Memento Mori] October 15 2007 11:12 PM EDT

Good job Yukk!

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 16 2007 12:34 AM EDT

nice work :D

Lord Bob October 16 2007 12:36 AM EDT


I remember when Reda Luu was on my fightlist.

Flamey October 16 2007 3:05 AM EDT

2nd AO member to get to 2 mil MPR, congrats! :D

QBJohnnywas October 16 2007 3:18 AM EDT


Yukk October 16 2007 11:47 AM EDT

Just squeaked in under a year too.
Created October 22, 2006.
At this time, at the going rates it would cost me $120 to buy a fourth minion. Whew.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] October 16 2007 2:16 PM EDT

Gah, I could never beat your team! (Or did I at one point in a past NCB...I seem to recall you tearing my clan points to heck and beyond. ) Oh, well, I sure can't beat you now :)

You've been on my ''to beat'' list for quite some time, that's for sure. (alongside Zoglog's Elven Kings, darn em' both :P )

Grats on 2 million, very nice accomplishment. Pat yourself on the back for getting old, too :)

drudge October 16 2007 2:26 PM EDT

good work
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