help me and my 4 year old girl 25k (in Contests)

karlos666uk October 6 2007 4:40 PM EDT

right me and my daughter were doing an activity book for four year old,s we got a bit stuck and she wants to know the answer so help pls

the activity was jumbled up birds names we got penguin , parrot and eagle
but i cant work out what bird this would be lublub ?

Iluvatar[NK] October 6 2007 4:46 PM EDT

bulbul Padding, because for some reason the spell checker doesn't recognize songbird names.

karlos666uk October 6 2007 4:50 PM EDT

thank you would be a bird i have never heard off

karlos666 (karl666) Iluvatar[NK] (The Four Kings) $25000 4:48 PM EDT

Adminedyit [Superheros] October 6 2007 4:51 PM EDT

It tells you right after you hit confirm how to get around padding your posts.

"If all else fails, use <nospellcheck> tags to 'opt out' part of your post from spellcheck. Choose HTML mode and simply write <nospellcheck> text...</nospellcheck>."

That line is also followed by this line.

"Ignoring this advice and simply padding your post with extra words to get above the 0.15 threshold without an exceptionally good reason will result in a fine."

karlos666uk October 6 2007 5:01 PM EDT

whoops sorry i offended you so much Mr Admin blokey

Adminedyit [Superheros] October 6 2007 5:04 PM EDT

no offense at all karlos666uk. that was just a little tip for Iluvatar[NK], those tags are easier to use than padding a post out with a bunch of needless words ;8^)

ScY October 8 2007 10:37 PM EDT

"no offense at all karlos666uk. that was just a little tip for Iluvatar[NK], those tags are easier to use than padding a post out with a bunch of needless words ;8^)"

Bah, those words were needless! Needless to say I need less of this Needle lass edyit always needing less.


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 9 2007 8:50 AM EDT

wow, why the heck would they have some obscure song bird in a jumble for kids...

maybe they're trying to get them to start googling answers early now.

ScY October 9 2007 9:27 PM EDT

Ok, im hijacking this contest thread. The first person to say the above pun in RL will get 1 Uber arrow. (x1000 +100)

ScY October 9 2007 9:27 PM EDT

Ahem, a bolt.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 13 2007 7:53 AM EDT

wow, why the heck would they have some obscure song bird in a jumble for kids...

maybe they're trying to get them to start googling answers early now.

Dunno, but its in there somewhere ;-)

ScY October 13 2007 9:23 AM EDT

The bolt is still waiting......
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