September 27th - Black Market Voting Guide - Beleg's Gloves (in General)

Last Gasp September 27 2007 12:47 PM EDT

[RX3] RedX13 seems to be out for a few days... so I'll post this this week.

DB 2
HF 1
BoTH 2
BG 1 (11) (Scored as 6.5)
Corn 1
AoAC 1
MH 2 (7) (Scored as 5.5)
ElBow 3 (5) (Scored as 5.5)
EH 1 (8) (Scored as 5)
AG 1

I counted current votes on the market as .5. Votes in the thread as 1.

Looks like BG's have the vote. Get your votes in for next round.

BluBBen September 27 2007 1:26 PM EDT

/me votes for AoAC

IndependenZ September 27 2007 1:46 PM EDT

Elven Hauberk, please :)

Last Gasp September 27 2007 11:19 PM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 16 88 81.8%

j'bob September 27 2007 11:22 PM EDT

um, i voted in the BM already. do i still vote here. i'm not sure i understand but,
Elven Hauberk for me.

Last Gasp September 28 2007 12:25 AM EDT

Yes... each time an item enters the Auction the voting is refreshed... i.e. we start from scratch.

Last Gasp September 28 2007 11:38 AM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 18 88 79.5%

[RX3]Cotillion September 30 2007 12:29 AM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 27 88 69.3%

sooka September 30 2007 11:01 AM EDT

EH for next time.

Last Gasp September 30 2007 2:55 PM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 38 88 56.8%

[P]Mitt September 30 2007 3:02 PM EDT

AoAC please

cookie dough September 30 2007 3:14 PM EDT

who wants to pay me to vote for the BG's?

Last Gasp October 1 2007 12:44 AM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 43 88 51.1%

Last Gasp October 1 2007 12:44 AM EDT

We don't need to pay you... enough will vote for it that by tomorrow night it should be up.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] October 1 2007 7:50 AM EDT

db's next!

Last Gasp October 1 2007 11:51 AM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 65 88 26.1%

Last Gasp October 1 2007 3:58 PM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 72 88 18.2%

Jake the Snayke October 1 2007 5:12 PM EDT

ill go db too for everyone who wants them

cookie dough October 1 2007 5:35 PM EDT


Last Gasp October 1 2007 7:52 PM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 75 88 14.8%

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] October 2 2007 1:45 AM EDT

I'd love to get an ELBow or an ELS in there. Wouldn't be able to afford them but I could take out a loan for it. ^.^

Last Gasp October 2 2007 2:42 AM EDT

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 78 88 11.4%

Last Gasp October 2 2007 12:41 PM EDT

Getting close...

Pair of Beleg's Gloves 80 88 9.1%

Last Gasp October 3 2007 10:32 PM EDT

A Pair of Beleg's Gloves [3] for sale by blackmarket auctioneer and already over a mil.
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