The 9 Clock (in Off-topic)

SNK3R September 26 2007 2:39 PM EDT

Anyone know where I can get a clock like this?

Adminedyit [Superheros] September 26 2007 2:56 PM EDT

sweet clock!

5 has me confused though, whats the ! mean there?

Tezmac September 26 2007 2:58 PM EDT

Ask and ye shall receive.

AdminLamuness September 26 2007 2:59 PM EDT

edyit: it's factorial.

sqrt( 9 ) = 3

3! = 6

6 - 1 = 5

QBRanger September 26 2007 2:59 PM EDT

3! = 3x2x1
5! = 5x4x3x2x1


Adminedyit [Superheros] September 26 2007 3:01 PM EDT

thank you all very much, its now easy to see how the answer is 5 :)
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