July 18 2007 9:44 AM EDT
I was asked to post this message regarding how many and who is playing on the same internet connection than mine at the "orphenage" (I am still sorry to have not known the correct english term when I was being interrogated.).
We are 10 boys and 2 girls but only six of the boys, including me, play.
I was asked to give names. Usernames? If so:
1) Gabriyel
2) Splinter
3) Marvel4Life
4) Guglielmo
5) Longbow Archer
6) Magical
July 18 2007 9:49 AM EDT
Who asked you to do this?
July 18 2007 12:32 PM EDT
Huh, yea, it was [CB1]Gun, or something like that
For the record, Gabriyel, ignore anything Gun says to you......
Make a new post over how many bros will be playing this time. Include names. <-Was the first cm and first convo between me and Gab.
There were several persons working the interrogated, Splinter, who did more harm than me. Already received a CM picking Gab's statement apart. Won't post about that yet, let someone else.
So stop acting like an "op" NS ;) with that many accounts I was doing them a favor.
July 18 2007 6:14 PM EDT
Please stop telling them to make such posts, Gun. This is not the first time we've been through this; posts like this do not help.
Only go so far to ask for posts when there is a problem or could be a problem in the future. These requests are extremely few, still my apologies. Outside of the odd excuses given to us at that time I did tell Splinter to cm you bart. btw I did not tell gab to make the other 3 threads on the issue. ;p
"So stop acting like an "op" NS"
July 18 2007 11:24 PM EDT
Now Gun, you aren't an op...
An "op" is a big grump? I'm really getting confused...
July 19 2007 6:57 AM EDT
Op is an abbreviation I used for OpVines, or ^Seph|ro[T]h as he's now called. You know, the guy who kept the 2mil from Myth's Temptation The Game :p
July 19 2007 12:00 PM EDT
Well, If he made the post, with someones tortuous reasoning or not.. It's done.. And might have had to be done anyways.. So, it could be a good thing he did it.
No Grumps please =)
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