Tournament store use- (in General)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- July 4 2007 5:12 PM EDT

Allow tournament chars to sell to the store, and but a 20 minute cool-down on all items sold to store via tournament. Lame that I can't sell my upgraded leathers and un-used now obsolete items via store.

Soxjr July 4 2007 5:15 PM EDT

That's the point really don't you think. To take items out of the store that normally aren't used and then as the tournament ends and the characters are retired those items just go away and never get re-entered into the game. :) I think it's on purpose. Also you can't send the money to your main character anyway so what would be the point of selling to the store?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 4 2007 5:18 PM EDT

I seem to be able to see my crud to the store...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 4 2007 5:18 PM EDT

novice[T] (novice[t]) sell A Robe ($2241) 5:17 PM EDT

Miandrital July 4 2007 5:20 PM EDT

Tourney characters can't sell their crud though.

Miandrital July 4 2007 5:21 PM EDT

Er my bad. I suppose Robes are even more cruddy than x7 long bows or x4 short bows.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] July 4 2007 5:21 PM EDT

novice[t] is his tourney char, Mian

QBJohnnywas July 4 2007 5:57 PM EDT

I've just managed to sell a base SLA and a base Tulwar back to the store.

AdminNightStrike July 4 2007 11:20 PM EDT

You can't sell stuff that can be auctioned. I think the auction house has a 50k NW lower limit on non-rares. Or something like that.

Nerevas July 4 2007 11:59 PM EDT

How about tourney characters can sell to the store, but anything sold by a tourney character is deleted immediately. No chance for anyone to rebuy. This would be an alternative to auctions for say middle range weapons and armor that no one wants to buy via auction.

AdminNightStrike July 5 2007 12:02 AM EDT

Mr. Chairman may want to buy things via auctions...

AdminJonathan July 5 2007 1:37 AM EDT

allowed up to 20k pseudo-market-value items to be sold to store
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