You already have 5 active Characters. Your maximum is 5. If you wish to create more, you must first retire one.
I thought the tourney would have it's own character slots?
Well I won't be able to play in any because I have so much rental gear that I need all of my spaces.
My request is to either increase the amount of inventory spaces on your characters or to create a slot for a tourney character.
IN CB1 I believe supporters had 7 character slots.
Anyone else with this problem?
July 1 2007 12:53 PM EDT
In cb1 supporters could have up to 10 characters.
I had to retire 1 of my characters, but I agree, we should get another spot for tourney characters.
July 1 2007 9:59 PM EDT
Yeah can we get tourney slot characters? I had to retire a guy with junk on it as well to participate.
Personally I think auctioning off some of the hoarded items would be a good thing. So no, I don't see a reason to add an extra slot.
Personally, I don't see why we can't have more space. Camping doesn't exist anymore so there's no real need to have tight limits on how much one character can have unequipped or character slots.
When Loans were removed from the PR, you moved them over to Forging Services. I don't know why we have to go thru this "pulling teeth" scenario just to get a change done that makes sense.
Lumpy Koala
July 3 2007 1:35 AM EDT
Probably Jon just don't like item hoarding....
But i tend to agree with Mikel, since there are system in place for legit item rentals and loans, people tend to see it as a business and thus the need for extra item slots. Especially USD trading seems to be "legit" in some sense, it's only natural that some people would have the wealth to hold more items than anyone else.
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