Myths CB Blanks - Round 1 Results - Round 2 Begins - Come Play! (in Contests)

Mythology May 29 2007 1:27 PM EDT

The panel were asked : My Favorite Thing About CB Is *BLANK*, they said;
Knovice : Strats - BLUBBEN SCORES!
th00p : OB's Booty - ZOGLOG SCORES A HIT!
SBW : Camping - No hits
Mythology : Strategy - BLUBBEN SCORES AGAIN!
RubberDuck : Ranger - No hits, if only Ranger had entered himself..
OddBird : Freed's Large Sausage - No scores.

Blubben takes the first round and 12.5K in prize winnings, but more importantly a winners ticket to enter the final round, well done Blu!

----- ROUND 2 BEGINS -----

A panel of 6 people;
Me, th00p, SBW, Oddbird, Rubberduck and Knovice,
Were asked to fill the blank in :

"I like to stay up late and *Blank*"

Now it is your turn! Send 2K to "Myths Angels". (Of that 2K, $500 will go to this round's pot. $500 will go to a newbie fund. 1K will go to the final Blanks round which only past winners of previous rounds can compete). Then post your answer. You cannot post the same as anyone before you or your entry is disregarded.
The person who scores the most (you get 1 point for each member of the panel that has same answer as you) wins the pot and the main thing, gets to compete in the final (where the money is).

Contest will run for 24 hours (ish) when I will post the results of this round and the next round till the final.
Please PLAY even if you dont really get it or youre just making a joke post, its all for fun so take part.

Note to panel members : You can still play but obviously you cannot get points for your own answer so would be playing at a slight disadvantage, but please still do, the more people who play the better the contest.

----------NEW INFO-----------

Final Pot So Far : 18K (goes up each round)

Large thanks goes to deifeln! and much love for a 50K donation to the pot which ill use to add 5K to each of the rounds pot. So thefore this round's pot begins on 5K to win. Thanks once again, and let the game begin!

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] May 29 2007 1:34 PM EDT

Pigeon Bladder (Diabolik) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 -- blank 1:32 PM EDT

I like to stay up late and blend the carnage!

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] May 29 2007 1:36 PM EDT

Zoglog (Elven_Kings) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 -- CB Blanks 1:35 PM EDT

shake my booty

(If OB did not say that then I'm going to cry) :P

BluBBen May 29 2007 1:41 PM EDT

BluBBen (BluBBen) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 1:40 PM EDT


BluBBen May 29 2007 1:42 PM EDT

BluBBen (BluBBen) Mythology (Myths Angels) $12500 1:41 PM EDT

I donated the price back to the contest.

Mythology May 29 2007 1:55 PM EDT


Thanks go to Blu for putting his round 1 winnings back into the pot, 1K will go to each round and 3.5K to the final.

Blend the carnage - Pigeon Bladder || Shake My Booty - Zoglog || Chat - BluBBen

Round 2 Pot : $7,500

Final Round Pot : $24,500

Theres about 6 hours left to Enter

Mythology May 29 2007 1:55 PM EDT

Oops ignore the 6 hours left bit! :P Theres about hmm, 23 hours left..

AdminG Beee May 29 2007 2:11 PM EDT

I LIKE TO STAY UP LATE AND *talk to Bast on the telephone.*

AdminG Beee (The Tweenies) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 -- id=0027gV 2:09 PM EDT

deifeln May 29 2007 2:55 PM EDT

"I like to stay up late and *eat popcorn chicken*

deifeln (Ka) Mythology (Myths Angels) $190000 -- for contest 2:55 PM EDT

Xenko May 29 2007 3:12 PM EDT

I like to stay up late and drink copious amounts of alcohol!

Kultur (Theseus) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 -- Fill in the Blank 3:12 PM EDT

Mythology May 29 2007 3:24 PM EDT


Lots of big love and thanks go to deifeln again this time for huge 190K donation, hence the early update. 10K to each pot and 100K to final.

Blend the carnage - Pigeon Bladder || Shake My Booty - Zoglog || Chat - BluBBen || Talk to Bast - G Bee || Eat - Deifeln || Drink - Kultur

Round 2 Pot : $19,000

Final Round Pot : $137,500

Theres about 20 hours left to Enter

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 29 2007 3:34 PM EDT

Knovice (Violent Femmes) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 3:33 PM EDT

...and scheme

QBBarzooMonkey May 29 2007 4:12 PM EDT

...and wonder why the heck I'm up so late!

QBBarzooMonkey (Rogue Dogs) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 -- Blankety blank! 4:10 PM EDT

BootyGod May 29 2007 4:27 PM EDT

Dragon (Oduten) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 -- For contest 4:23 PM EDT

... and wish I had done something better with my day... and the day before today.. and so on...

TheWyldeOne May 29 2007 4:35 PM EDT

I like to stay up late and wander why i am waiting every 20 minutes for BA

TheWyldeOne May 29 2007 4:36 PM EDT

TheWyldeOne [t] (TheWyldeOne) Mythology [t] (Myths Angels) $2000 4:35 PM EDT

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] May 29 2007 4:44 PM EDT

... count the stars in my empire. ;)
Karmic Mishap [t] (Mikel III) Mythology [t] (Myths Angels) $2000 -- contest entry fee 4:41 PM EDT

deifeln May 29 2007 4:45 PM EDT MoOII!

(not my official answer...just needed to put that out there to the CB community.

DAS bro May 29 2007 7:14 PM EDT

baha bros1 (phyco bob) Mythology (Myths Angels) $2000 -- blank

and watch scary movies with my gf

sgt Havoc May 29 2007 7:55 PM EDT

myth angels 2000

and PARTY likes its my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vicious Cat May 30 2007 5:30 AM EDT

Vicious Cat [t] (Bloody But Unbowed) Mythology [t] (Myths Angels) $2000 -- For blank game 5:29 AM EDT

*Click my mouse button*

Mythology May 30 2007 10:19 AM EDT


Lots of big love and thanks go to deifeln again this time for huge 190K donation, hence the early update. 10K to each pot and 100K to final.

Blend the carnage - Pigeon Bladder || Shake My Booty - Zoglog || Chat - BluBBen || Talk to Bast - G Bee || Eat - Deifeln || Drink - Kultur || and scheme - Knovice || Wonder why up so late - Barzoo || wish done something with day etc - Dragon || Wonder why wait BA - WyldeOne || count stars in empire - Karmic mishap || play Master of orion 2 - def || watch scary movies with gf - baha bros1 || party like bday - sgt Havoc || click mouse button - Vicious Cat

Round 2 Pot : $23,500

Final Round Pot : $146,500

Winner's Ticket Holders : BluBBen

Theres about 2 hours left to Enter

Mythology May 30 2007 1:03 PM EDT


Posting results and next round shortly.
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