Noldorin Spellcasters are the new supporter item (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan May 25 2007 11:04 PM EDT

They now subtract 1% from the effect of AMF per enchantment. The wiki has details if you missed the earlier pre-release thread.

th00p May 25 2007 11:07 PM EDT

Mucho love

Flamey May 25 2007 11:16 PM EDT

always good :)

QBRanger May 25 2007 11:51 PM EDT


Is it 1% from the total AMF or 1% from the AMF effect.

IE, let us say I cast an AMF on let us say Sut at .25. If he has +15 gloves on does that mean my AMF gets knocked down to .10 (.25-,15) or gets knocked down to .2125 (,25 - .25*.15)?

By reading Jon's post, I suspect the latter.

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] May 26 2007 12:08 AM EDT


Last Gasp May 26 2007 12:25 AM EDT

One assumes they take up the gloves slot?

QBRanger May 26 2007 12:26 AM EDT

If one checks:

Stats---Items----Overview, one would see the answer is yes.

Last Gasp May 26 2007 1:05 AM EDT

Lovely... I have the 7th pair. :-)

Mythology May 26 2007 1:19 AM EDT

Yeah, same question from me, what slot do they go in? I read the wiki but didnt seem to mention it.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 26 2007 1:21 AM EDT

Gloves as they are a choice against AG...

Thanks Jon!

Darkwalker [Jago] May 26 2007 1:56 AM EDT

Must they be worn by the mage caster? or is this a general team effect type of aura?

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 26 2007 6:07 AM EDT


So not only a backlash reduction, also a damage boost when facing AMF teams. ;)

Flamey May 26 2007 6:56 AM EDT

It's only for the minion.

Zhate May 26 2007 8:51 AM EDT

Say, these look mighty nice, AMF backlash has killed me more than I like to think about. Just one question from a first-timer: Where'd the donate link run off to? Or is that only for the initial supportership and not for when the item changes?

Oops, that was two questions. Anyway, I've looked just about everywhere and I'll be damned if I can find it anywhere, but I suppose may simply have gone blind and not noticed :p

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] May 26 2007 9:08 AM EDT

"As usual, if you're already a supporter, you can get the new item by paypal-ing $6 to, or arranging for someone else to do so for you. (One per user.) Please include your username.

(No need to include character or minion names, I'm just going to send it to the active character and you can take it from there.)"

Zhate May 26 2007 9:23 AM EDT

Fair enough.

Just figured that if there was a donate link that handled the whole thing automatically as with the initial supportership, that'd be time-saving for everyone involved (mainly Jonathan), so wanted to make sure there wasn't one before I went with the manual option :)

Only way to find out is to ask, right?

QBRanger May 26 2007 9:36 AM EDT

As usual, if you're already a supporter, you can get the new item by paypal-ing $6 to, or arranging for someone else to do so for you. (One per user.) Please include your username.

QBOddBird May 26 2007 12:48 PM EDT

Hurrah for what is currently the only item that can directly reduce an EO! xD History has been made!

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] May 26 2007 1:35 PM EDT

Hmm. So do these new gloves help MM, FB, or CoC the most?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 26 2007 1:36 PM EDT

CoC, by a mile

AdminShade May 26 2007 1:49 PM EDT

or Decay ;)

QBRanger May 26 2007 2:26 PM EDT

It really helps decay.

I have a set of +10 and it takes a 1.0 AMF that only does backlash to me and makes it .9 which does do a bit of damage to the first opposing minion.

TheWyldeOne May 26 2007 2:38 PM EDT

Do they reduce AMF for the whole team or just the minion wearing them?

its probably the minion wearing them i just want to make sure to see if i can still use my AG's

QBOddBird May 26 2007 2:39 PM EDT

Yes, just the minion wearing them, of course. =)

On a side note, they dropped the AMF backlash from one of my opponents by about 30k! I still can't beat him, but I'm getting there! Sweet gloves, Jon!

[RX3]Cotillion May 26 2007 2:46 PM EDT

If you're talking about me OB, try around 15k. :P

QBOddBird May 26 2007 2:49 PM EDT

No, you were hitting about 94k damage on me earlier per shot with backlash. ^_^

Now you hit this:

--*|*Bold-n-Bootyful*|*-- takes damage from his own Cone of Cold (68436)!

QBOddBird May 26 2007 2:52 PM EDT


--*|*Bold-n-Bootyful*|*-- takes damage from his own Cone of Cold (94070)!

[RX3]Cotillion May 26 2007 2:53 PM EDT

Wow... what the heck? I coulda sworn you were doing 75k-80k backlash to yourself... Interesting...

QBOddBird May 26 2007 2:57 PM EDT

You were fighting me with my ToE on defensively.

I beat you with it on now. ^_^

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 26 2007 5:11 PM EDT

Bar Decay (I had the same tohught as Ranger on that one! :P), when are NS better than AG?

As AG increases DD level, it increases damage all the time, and reduces the effect of AMF you face (as your level is now higher for the DD-AMF comp).

NS will only increase the damage you do when you face AMF.

Does the NS decrease AMF significantly more than an AG to make them worth using?

I'm hoping the answer is yes. ;)

QBOddBird May 26 2007 5:15 PM EDT

Just look at the results above that I posted. On a pair of 4.8M AGs, I was getting 94k backlash, and with a pair of 4.4M NSs, I was getting 30k less backlash and doing, IMO, about the same amount of damage.

Phrede May 27 2007 1:12 AM EDT

just so I have this clear - If I am wearing a pair of AGs I get a 10% increase in DD (base - not effective) all the time. If I then replace them with the same + NS I will get a 10% reduction in Backlash which itself is only a % of my hity based on opponents AMF.

It seems like a no-brainer to me and not that useful especially down at the level I am at.

Mythology May 27 2007 1:27 AM EDT

Youre incorrect I think, 10% of backlash is not the same as 10% of AMF effect.

Basically it comes down to exp % you train into DD spells.

1 or 2 minions one of them a mage, use the old gloves.

3 or 4 minions with a few mages, put NS on all of them.

At a high exp % trained ratio on you DD you can simply over power AMF so that the % reduces so AG are better unless its low hp and is often geting killed by AMF feedback (but probably better to sort that out other ways).

At lower % trained like with 4 minions your DD is always going to be facing AMFs that can be at least as powerful so the option to "out train" it is not there so the new NS are much more useful as they strip a base % out kind of like fixing the dice.

Phrede May 27 2007 1:39 AM EDT

I understand that it takes the percentage off the AMF (i.e what was a .38 actually becomes a .31 - expected that to be .28) but the main point I am making is that it is only worth using if a good percentage of your opponents use AMF. In my current list of around 15 opponent only two have AMF worth talking about.

QBOddBird May 27 2007 1:55 AM EDT

TEoD - but you aren't using a CoC mage. Trust me, I'm far happier with these than my AGs. I do more than enough damage against opponents without AMF, so there's no need to boost that, and the fact that more damage gets BY the AMF with the NS on makes up for the damage boost the AGs would give me, plus my backlash is being reduced *greatly*.

Might be a no-brainer for a MM to use AGs, but it is a no-brainer for a CoC to use the new NS.

AdminNightStrike May 27 2007 8:53 AM EDT

This acronym is going to kill me... :)

Do these new fancy gloves reduce AMF for purposes of backlash only, or do they reduce all the effects of AMF? The AMF effect both blocks DD as well as reflecting DD.

Also, since it affects the effect and not the level, and since AMF has a maximum effect of 1.0, this means that you can effectively limit the max AMF you will ever receive. No matter how giant an AMF is that you go up against, it'll never over power your DD if you are wearing even a +1 set of gloves.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] May 27 2007 8:57 AM EDT

Blocks all effects or Jon would have stated backlash only :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 27 2007 9:29 AM EDT

"Also, since it affects the effect and not the level, and since AMF has a maximum effect of 1.0, this means that you can effectively limit the max AMF you will ever receive. No matter how giant an AMF is that you go up against, it'll never over power your DD if you are wearing even a +1 set of gloves."

Yup! Why it's great for a base decay! ;)

AdminNightStrike May 27 2007 9:39 AM EDT

Is the upgrade curve the same as for AG?

QBOddBird May 27 2007 10:29 AM EDT

It is close. At +14 AG are at 4.85M, and NS are at only ever so slightly cheaper.

Lord Bob May 31 2007 4:01 PM EDT

These gloves are absolutely killing me.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] May 31 2007 5:08 PM EDT

Half of my fightlist use AG and the other half use NSs, I'm owning them both. I am a higher PR than most around my score but from my fights it looks as though even if they were all at my PR then either set wouldn't make much difference against me.
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