Is it just me (in General)

TheHatchetman May 12 2007 11:35 PM EDT

Or is CB's font suddenly a lot bigger?

[T]Vestax May 12 2007 11:44 PM EDT

It's you.

TheHatchetman May 12 2007 11:47 PM EDT

Odd... Chat's the same size, but everything else got bigger on my end...

Cylo May 12 2007 11:50 PM EDT

If you held shift and scrolled your mouse wheel then you changed the font size that way. I found that out by accidentally doing it also. Just hold shift and scroll your mouse wheel and should change it to whatever you want to change your font to.

[T]Vestax May 12 2007 11:50 PM EDT

It is possible you accidently increased the font size with your browser. If your using FireFox, you can use 'ctrl' and '+' to increase the text size and 'ctrl' and '-' to decrease it. If you press 'ctrl' and '0' you will bring it back to normal.

Cylo May 12 2007 11:50 PM EDT

oops.. not shift... Control and wheel.

TheHatchetman May 12 2007 11:53 PM EDT

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