Question (in General)

QBRanger May 11 2007 5:19 PM EDT

How come when one looks at Recent Battles: Mine, one gets the last 70 battles?

Why not the last 100?

Is or Was 70 a magic number in the past?

bartjan May 11 2007 5:37 PM EDT

Ever wondered why the stats page lists exactly 70 per page?

QBRanger May 11 2007 5:40 PM EDT

If I would have noticed, I would have wondered:)

But why 70?

[MG]Mecca-Devilbot [Clan of One] May 11 2007 11:59 PM EDT

It's very close to exactly double the page length, if you exclude the CB>>etc from the top. Without a chat pane of course.
So.. Aethstetics?(spelled horribly wrong, i know)
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