i need to know (100k) (in Contests)

Unappreciated Misnomer May 1 2007 6:25 PM EDT

ok ok, breath(breathe)...breath(breathe)....ok

100k to..
tell me...ouf...the name of the band that plays during the intro and credits of DEATHNOTE after episode 20....

Nerevas May 1 2007 6:36 PM EDT

Maximum the Hormone

Nerevas May 1 2007 6:45 PM EDT

To be specific..

Opening theme is: "What's up, people?!" by Maximum the Hormone

Ending theme is: "Zetsubou Billy" by Maximum the Hormone

This is for episodes 20+

Unappreciated Misnomer May 1 2007 6:54 PM EDT

great job!

defender (Lorenzo) Nerevas (Black Sophist) $100000 -- deathnote 6:53 PM EDT
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