Question about DM with AMF (in General)

Cylo May 1 2007 10:49 AM EDT

I have a question. I currently am using a solo UC tank with DM to help against killing myself vs GA people. I want to add a minion and have a AMF also. How much higher does my AMF have to be to still be useful when I have DM at the same time? Thanks for any help. Numbers in examples would be great.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 1 2007 10:50 AM EDT

If you have 10k DM (effect), you'd have to train AMF to 110k to have 100k AMF.

[T]Vestax May 1 2007 10:51 AM EDT

Above 80% of the level of you DM. In other words, above DM's effect.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] May 1 2007 10:53 AM EDT

"Yes, this means that you can have both Antimagic Field and DM, so long as your Antimagic Field is significantly higher - this is because DM will reduce your AMF level by an amount equivalent to its effect. So: Enchantment level - (DM level * 80%) = new enchantment level. That then converts into a new, lower effect. If it's zero or below, it will fizzle."

QBRanger May 1 2007 10:53 AM EDT

Unless you use a ROS, the effect from the DM takes away from the effect of the AMF.

IE DM: 100,000 (80,000) AMF: 1,000,000 (?) will give:
a DM of 80k vs your opponents ED spells and an AMF effect of 920k vs your opponents DD spells.

Cylo May 1 2007 10:57 AM EDT

Thanks all for the quick responses.
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