New with a question (in New players)

Erskine April 25 2007 9:18 AM EDT

Hey Im new here...well old player coming back...but for some reason my PR is 99,000 and i get no $$ or exp when i fight it because I rented some stuff?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 25 2007 9:35 AM EDT

I was going to post this in your other thread, but since you've asked here...

Yes, items that are oversized now add to power rating (which is now a separate stat from minion power rating). Use base items (or magic) for a while and you'll be able to make more money than you've ever seen!

[RX3]Cotillion April 25 2007 9:36 AM EDT

The rewards you get depend on your PR relative to their score. Try to fight opponents as close to double your PR to recieve a 100% challenge bonus. And yes it was probably from the rentals, seeing as you have less than 2k mpr.

Erskine April 25 2007 9:45 AM EDT

I got it thanks guys!!

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 25 2007 10:39 AM EDT

When did you play before? Welcome back!

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] April 25 2007 10:40 AM EDT

i saw the other thread, nevemind, =P Yea, and it looks like you fixed your PR.
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