a product of time (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer April 18 2007 7:06 AM EDT

just thought id let every one see what i have made of this dagger.

A Dagger [4x217] (+150) 6,516,552

isnt it useless, i mean...just look at it!!! 0_0

BootyGod April 18 2007 7:57 AM EDT

Wow lol... just... wow =D

IndependenZ April 18 2007 7:58 AM EDT

Wanna insta it with my base dagger? At about 1%? ;)

DiabloSpawn April 18 2007 12:43 PM EDT

Name it, name it!!!

AdminNightStrike April 18 2007 12:58 PM EDT

Can you BS it now that it has a sizable NW?

Unappreciated Misnomer April 18 2007 2:32 PM EDT

NS - no, no i cant use the BS, i do not mind, but this shows that i have too much time ^_^'

DS - good idea, ill make a contest thread to name my dagger, thanks

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