Zoglog loves you all (in Off-topic)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] April 17 2007 1:55 PM EDT

Yes, it's true, in one way or another I love you all, every last one of you. :P
Several beers before leaving to watch tonights football match, Manchester Utd. vs. Sheffield Utd. and going to be knocking back a few more for the Beer Garden.
I don't care much for either team but should be fun heckling Manchester Utd. for their underhanded tactics.
Villa are back in the top 10 after beating Middlesborough 3-1 W00T!

QBJohnnywas April 17 2007 1:58 PM EDT

Oh dear. Drunken Midlander on the prowl down south!

Have a great night Zog boyo!


[T]Vestax April 17 2007 2:54 PM EDT

I love you too Zoglog. Don't let the others find out though.

Adminedyit [Superheros] April 17 2007 3:25 PM EDT

Oh no, drunken soccer hooligans! Have a great time zog.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] April 17 2007 5:26 PM EDT



Zoglog[T] [big bucks] April 17 2007 8:21 PM EDT

lol, I'm not a big football fan but I do follow it a little.
Now at the depressed drunkard stage after texting and phoning the new gf and realising that her time is obviously too precious for me sometimes.
Teenagers and love obviously don't go together lol.
So even more of todays love goes to man love this evening, to those of you who will always be here (unless you quit) well into my 5th year playing which starts in October :)
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