bluewolf/trigun (in Public Record)

trigun April 3 2007 12:38 AM EDT

BW owed me 4.504mil a while back but hasn't been on in a while. so i've decided not to put interest all these months he's been away. so from last PR post..he owed me 4.504mil. I've chatmailed him and he's agreed to pay asap. he sent 250k already. thanks man. this is just to keep track of payments.

balance: 4.504 - 0.25 = 4.254mil

BlueWolf April 3 2007 1:45 PM EDT

yep, very sorry, grades and school kicked me down and beat me >.< I'll work my hardest, promise. :)

trigun April 23 2007 10:31 AM EDT

hasn't logged on since april 4. =s
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