[Bug] Ammo upgrades cost more than the display shows (in General)

Miandrital March 31 2007 7:01 PM EDT

You have $867,648
Total Cost: 60 (15x's on a single slayer arrow)
I click Order Improvements...

You have $867,574

867,648 - 867,574 = 74

After some more testing, I found that the blacksmith charges only $4 (the displayed price) for a single x. For 2x it charges $9. 3x it charges $14, etc. So the cost is off by $1 for each x past the first one.
I can only imagine that this problem compounds itself when multiple ammo pieces are upgraded at the same time.

AdminNightStrike February 20 2010 9:48 AM EST

Sorry for the delay; will be fixed as per:

AdminNightStrike February 20 2010 10:10 AM EST

Next time, don't let 3 years go by without attention to your bug! :) :)
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