I hope to have a good FF/HF comparison in a week or two -- once I get enough cash to switch mine and switch back. In my case, I want to see if the HF is effective in that it is different from my mage damage in two ways:
-- attacks from front
-- attacks physically
I plan on posting an analysis of pros/cons/results when I give it a try. I cannot think of any other way to guess on the outcome short of burning inking fees to do so.
Well, the FF is gonna clear out those pesky low-HP enchanters so you can get to the minions you really want to kill quicker... and if you put the FF in front of your main damage dealer, the FF will fire first, hopefully killing the little guys, then your main damage dealer will be hitting the goods... that's my thought.
I find having two offenses of the same kind can sometimes be limiting, especially when targets get scarce. For example, changing one of your offenses to MM might be of service. Is your DM high enough to kill off GA? GA must eat your team alive. MM would make you slightly more immune to that. Though, the nest way to protect a familiar against GA is obviously DM, which you have.
FF has the advantage of picking off low HP minions. SF has the advantage of minimizing Endurance, AMF and GA affects. The real question is which is giving you the most trouble?
SNK3R's admin char with a HF is interesting, but really needs DM.
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