HUGE forging job! (in Services)

Adminedyit [Superheros] March 24 2007 9:10 AM EDT

I have a MH Maul of Penultimate Devastation [84x2112] (+100). I have 10m at the moment i would like to add to the X on it. CM me your rates if you're interested.

Adminedyit [Superheros] March 24 2007 1:19 PM EDT

OB is hired, he starts monday.

QBOddBird March 25 2007 8:54 PM EDT

Every Sunday I will list starting NW, and work until the next Sunday, which will be payday at 75%. The minimum amount I'll forge on there is 13.3M, and if edyit desires more put on there, I'm willing to do so.

Starting Stats for Week 01:

Maul of Penultimate Devastation [84x2112] (+100) NW: 31,874,407

QBOddBird April 1 2007 10:04 AM EDT

Finished for Week 01:

Maul of Penultimate Devastation [84x2389] (+100) NW: 34,040,572

Week's NW increase: 2,166,165 *.75 = 1,624,623 (- 600,000 for RoE)

Amount Owed: 1,024,623
Starting Stats for Week 02:

Maul of Penultimate Devastation [84x2389] (+100) NW: 34,040,572

Adminedyit [Superheros] April 8 2007 10:11 AM EDT

can't wait to see the stats for week 2 :)

QBOddBird April 8 2007 10:32 AM EDT

Finished for Week 02:

Maul of Penultimate Devastation [84x2690] (+100) NW: 36,394,417

Week's NW increase: 2,353,845 *.75 = 1,765,383

Amount Owed: 1,765,383
Starting Stats for Week 03:

Maul of Penultimate Devastation [84x2690] (+100) NW: 36,394,417

QBOddBird April 15 2007 1:30 PM EDT

Busy, working 'till 2 and 3 AM lately, etc. Didn't get much done this week so no charge. Stats to begin Week 04 will be:

Maul of Penultimate Devastation [84x2748] (+100) NW: 36,847,982

QBOddBird April 19 2007 10:41 AM EDT

There are 3 days remaining until this MH returns and, as was the case last week, I'm too busy for CB lately. Whatever else I can get forged on there in my spare time before the end of these 3 days is also free. Enjoy the free work - and I apologize for how little I've been able to do. =(
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