March 22 2007 1:38 PM EDT
I was fighting as usual and came across the warning page telling me to click on home or I may get a suspension, I was apparently fighting too fast.
I clicked home, fought 1 more battle and Whammmm, a 10 min fight suspension.
This happened earlier today as well.
Anyone else getting his?
Your working with IE?
Because in IE if i click or fight to fast, IE says errors on the page. If i fight more, loading of the page is much much slower, characters in the fightlist start disapearing from the fightlist. And if i continue with fighting i get the same message.
If your working with IE I bet the same thing that happened to you. Maybe these are related?
I get that every now and then. I just refresh the entire page and wait for the next ba refresh. Then it goes away. And it's not just for IE either. I get that in FF too.
March 22 2007 3:15 PM EDT
Whenever I would get this, I would train and continue to fight...
use fexy's script, i've never had that issue since i started using it. But did alot when it wasn't out yet, most of the time i wouldn't even get the page loaded that told me to slow down, =P
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