HF (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan March 12 2007 10:56 PM EDT

Increased damage about 70%.

AdminJonathan March 12 2007 10:59 PM EDT

Oh, also PTH. (They are kinda tied together on the HF.)

Mikel [Bring it] March 12 2007 11:00 PM EDT

weee my dream might come true :) too bad Junction doesn't x-fer the Elbs too.

QBRanger March 12 2007 11:05 PM EDT

Now all they need is permanent seekers attacked to their bow.

Nerevas March 12 2007 11:16 PM EDT

1) the damage seems about half that of an equal level SF

2) it doesn't seem to ever double hit

3) it can still miss vs evasion

So I'm thinking it still needs more lovin'.. The kind only Jon can give.

AdminJonathan March 12 2007 11:21 PM EDT

"it doesn't seem to ever double hit"

it's possible there's a bug; this isn't a special-cased limitation I added for the HF. what's your test case?

Nerevas March 12 2007 11:23 PM EDT

Fighting deifeln's character Oy with my character's Karn and Storage Vault IV. Both my characters are just 20 dex mage/enchanter teams.

Thraklight Resonance March 12 2007 11:23 PM EDT

I'm getting double hit when I attack a low HF, but the minion also has Helm of Clearsight and junction.

Nerevas March 12 2007 11:24 PM EDT

Cancel that, finally got a double hit.. I suppose I had a string of bad luck.

Nerevas March 12 2007 11:34 PM EDT

So it looks that if you junction with BGs, and assuming double hits, the damage can at least match the mage familiars. It also has more hp, no weakness to amf, and isn't targetted by seekers. Its downside is its P2H seems low so decent evasion/dbs just kills it. Decent balance.

deifeln March 14 2007 11:28 AM EDT

Wow...I got a citation :o)

The HF on Oy is there only as a one-round meat shield (it is low level). I sold my large tat.

deifeln March 14 2007 11:30 AM EDT

Nevermind...it is larger then I thought....
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