question (in General)

BURning [DarK]ness February 26 2007 10:44 AM EST

why can't tattoo be equipped with armor and cloak?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 26 2007 10:49 AM EST

to balance the power offered by them

TheHatchetman February 26 2007 12:06 PM EST

Tattoo's on your back, if you've a cloak or armor on, it can't be seen (or used) :P

muon [The Winds Of Fate] February 26 2007 8:16 PM EST

And a rune? Gets engraved into my back? How can I reink _that_ ;-P

AdminNightStrike February 27 2007 1:45 AM EST

Enlist some help:

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