cb down? (in General)

Unappreciated Misnomer February 24 2007 6:21 AM EST

was i the only one who for the whole day(feb 23) could not log into cb?

The Vanguard February 24 2007 6:24 AM EST

I could get in the morning yesterday, but not after lunch in GMT Time, so im not sure what server time that is...Probably about 9:00 ?

bartjan February 24 2007 6:33 AM EST

This is exactly the reason why CB is moving to a new ISP... Next week.

Arorrr February 24 2007 11:31 AM EST

Hmmm, and I thought CB down was because Jon put in the shiny brand new server....

bartjan February 24 2007 11:43 AM EST

That's planned for next Saturday.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 24 2007 11:46 AM EST

same thoughts here too, lol

Mikel [Bring it] February 24 2007 11:46 AM EST

I hope it's not planned during Wacky XP time.

QBOddBird February 24 2007 1:18 PM EST


"We're getting a brand new server! No more server dropping randomly for several hours or more!"

"I hope he's not planning to move it in during Wacky XP time!"

Funny reaction. xD

TheHatchetman February 24 2007 1:21 PM EST

Quick reference, for if ever you are unsure about downtime. check 24 hour clan scores... if they're all in the crapper, then it wasn't just you...

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 24 2007 1:29 PM EST

or just goto cbstuff.nl, where we all go to make a thread asking others if it is down, had 4 replies to my thread yesterday with others having the same problem
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