February 10 2007 11:03 AM EST
is it worth the way extra money to spend on a new minion, or are you better off with just the lowest fee? why?
February 10 2007 11:08 AM EST
Always go for the expensive option. It gives more XP per dollar spent.
1 xp per 3$ for the expensive option 1 per 5$ for the cheap. Most of the minions I have bought have been the cheap one, the more expensive is better value but sometimes you just want another minion for the least amount of cash :)
February 10 2007 11:26 AM EST
I would say, if the new minion were a wall, buy the cheap one, and if it's anything other than a wall (E or T) I would go with the expensive one, because you'll need the extra EXP.
February 10 2007 11:57 AM EST
Well, walls need HP, depending on the team stance...
February 10 2007 12:05 PM EST
If you don't need all XP possible on that minion, it's too early to hire him...
February 10 2007 4:05 PM EST
I've always gone for expensive one.
February 10 2007 4:24 PM EST
is it worth the way extra money to spend on a new minion, or are you better off with just the lowest fee? why?
Because you are spending a ton of money on XP - you can either buy a little bit for more $/exp ratio, or buy a lot for a lower $/exp ratio. It's a fairly obvious choice, and especially so for a NUB receiver.
But keep in mind that the longer you wait to hire a new minion, the more MPR gain you'll make with that minion. It is suggested that you wait just as long as possible.
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