xbow / SoD (in General)

AdminNightStrike February 9 2007 11:26 AM EST

Is a SoD cheaper to upgrade than an Ex or Ax bow? Are both xbows the same price?

Talion February 9 2007 11:35 AM EST

SoD and AxBow seem to be cheaper to upgrade than the ExBow...

SoD :

Accuracy forging: 72, 22
$8,700 per X.

ExBow :

Accuracy forging : 80, 25
$9,317 per X.

AxBow :

Accuracy forging : 72, 22
$? per X

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 9 2007 11:40 AM EST

axbow and exbow have the same upgrade price.

Just like the big four melee weapons, same upgrade costs but different forge times but should give the same effect per ba.

AdminNightStrike February 9 2007 5:06 PM EST

Axbow: $9,317 per 'x'

AdminNightStrike February 9 2007 5:11 PM EST

What about the cost of the PTH?

AdminShade February 9 2007 8:51 PM EST

+ for Axbow and Exbow is the same.

I think the + for SoD is a bit less than the xbows, not sure though...

th00p February 9 2007 9:22 PM EST


x883 +84 = $18,118,031
adding x882 = $7,673,400
base NW = $605
SoD adding +84 = $10,444,026

Axbow (same as Exbow)

x2001 +84 = $28,060,847
adding x2000 = $18,634,000
base NW = $468
Ax/Ex adding +84 = $9,426,379

So there you have it folks, after a good set of research which involved Stats > Items > Normal, past auction searching, and a good bit of math, we now know that the X on the SoD is slightly more expensive to upgrade than Axbows or Exbows.
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