Blacksmith X updates (in Changelog)

AdminG Beee January 10 2007 12:36 PM EST

I assume it's a new change as I hadn't noticed it before.

Can now do up to 15x's at a time.

QBRanger January 10 2007 12:37 PM EST

Nice, still a bit long to get x1000 but still much better!

Miandrital January 10 2007 12:38 PM EST

One question:

Can clickbots be used for blacksmith purposes? ;)

Yukk January 10 2007 12:47 PM EST

Of course...but only once.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] January 10 2007 2:16 PM EST

Was already a post about it too, =P Just not in changelog

GnuUzir January 10 2007 3:36 PM EST

More than 7 is better, any more would be too much...

Good change!!!

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] January 10 2007 7:57 PM EST

Why not have an input box where you would put the desired amount of X you want added?

QBOddBird January 10 2007 10:21 PM EST

A very good change.

Yay for all you tanks!
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