Daz/novice (in Public Record)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 24 2006 7:02 PM EST

I'm letting him insta his near base ELB for my near 6 MIL NW bow on a PP...detail terms and confirmation to come soon...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 24 2006 7:10 PM EST

From: Daz Sent: 5:16 PM EST Delivered: 6:57 PM EST
My elb has been sent. A PR thread would make keeping track of the numbers eaiser.
From: Daz Sent: 1:35 AM EST Delivered: 10:56 AM EST
Okay, So I owe you 4625000 and the ELB that I still havent got, but have the public record post for, and should get soon. Does that look correct to you?
From: Daz Sent: 1:23 AM EST Delivered: 1:24 AM EST
Also, I will be selling my SoD as soon as I get a bow thats better, so that will be a bit off of the payment from the word go.
From: Daz Sent: 1:19 AM EST Delivered: 1:24 AM EST
Well... Mine (when I get it) is Elven Long Bow [6x10] (+1) 71,083. So what would I owe you for the insta? What kind of payplan would you want? I generally work better with fairly relaxed PPs. Would I be able to keep the bow while paying? It would make it somewhat easier to pay you off, thats for certain :P

To: Daz Sent: 10:58 AM EST Delivered: 4:54 PM EST
yes, that sounds correct, as soon as you get the other elb I'll loan this one over
To: Daz Sent: 1:27 AM EST Delivered: 1:29 AM EST
I'd loan you the bow until 60% of the total was payed...I wouldn't want you to stress on the pp too much, whatever terms you think will work for you...rate on the insta...71%
To: Daz Sent: 12:52 AM EST Delivered: 1:15 AM EST
5.685,000 or so in NW...
To: Daz Sent: 12:50 AM EST Delivered: 1:15 AM EST
A Holy Blaster Rifle [6x136] (+62)

Daz December 24 2006 9:52 PM EST


I should have about a mil by the end of the week. I only want to sell my SoD when I can be sure I'll always have the Elb to fight with, just so I don't all of a sudden start losing and have to wait for novice to let me fight again :P

Daz December 24 2006 9:58 PM EST

I'll actually have a fair bit more than a mill at the end of the week.

Did you want to add some $ to the price because its named? I don't mind if you do.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 24 2006 10:05 PM EST

nope that's fine...

Daz December 30 2006 8:57 PM EST

Daz [t] (In Flames) 203.59.16.ip {cb1}novice [t] (Forge Hog) $2200000 8:56 PM EST

Daz December 30 2006 8:59 PM EST

Which means $2,425,000 left, I believe. Sorry for the double post.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 31 2006 7:13 PM EST

{cb1}novice (Forge Hog) Daz (In Flames) A Holy Blaster Rifle ($5685407) 7:12 PM EST

close enough to 60% for me...your problem now boss!

Daz January 7 2007 7:24 AM EST

Daz [t] (In Flames) {cb1}novice [t] (Forge Hog) $1325000 7:22 AM EST

1.1 left!

Hope I get it paid before I go on holiday...

Daz January 12 2007 4:41 AM EST

Yay! All paid!

Daz [t] (In Flames) {cb1}novice [t] (Forge Hog) $1100000 4:40 AM EST

And tomorrow I leave for a week!

Nice doing business with you.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 12 2007 6:33 AM EST


Daz January 12 2007 6:47 AM EST

Hee! Was that fast?
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