Training Same Enchantment on Multiple Minions (in General)

Xenko December 20 2006 9:13 PM EST

Consider the following:

Scenario 1:
1 Enchanter - Trained AMF to level 10,000

Scenario 2:
2 Enchanters - Trained AMF to level 5,000 on each (for a total of level 10,000)

What are the advantages/disadvantages for each scenario?

I realize that equipment bonuses would help more (be cheaper in total) in scenario 1, but is there anything else that needs to be considered? I know if this were AS (rather than AMF), than DM would be a bigger problem with scenario 2, but is there any similar problem when using EO?

Thanks for any help.

QBOddBird December 20 2006 9:18 PM EST

The EXP stacks, not the levels. In Scenario 2, due to lower EXP costs, you'll have a total level of less than 10,000.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 20 2006 9:18 PM EST

AMF, EC, DM all benefit from being trained on multiple minions, as the xp cost is less to get the same level

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] December 20 2006 9:22 PM EST

Wrong OB, the levels stack.
It is effect that does not stack so 2 level 5k will be the same as a level 10k.
The advantage being that the exp cost is cheaper, the disadvantage being that you take up a spell slot.
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