Tattoos (the real kind) (in Off-topic)

Shooto December 16 2006 4:53 PM EST

Does anyone have any? Post pics and explain them. One of my tattoos is my user pic. Its a crown with a diamond in the middle and the writing is Sanskrit for "I am my own king." I have a Buddhist symbol, an eternal knot, on my back right under my neck. I'm Buddhist and plan on getting all 8 of the symbols eventually.

GnuUzir December 16 2006 4:57 PM EST

I have a large dragon wrapped around my right arm from the elbow to shoulder, with wings on my chest and back....

But its not done yet, so you don't get to see...yet... XD

Shooto December 16 2006 5:00 PM EST

Sweet. Going with color or black and grey shading? Also, asian or european dragon?

GnuUzir December 16 2006 5:06 PM EST

Color mostly blue...some yellow & orange...

And it is an asian style dragon, but with wings like a fantasy style dragon... I kinda took 2 pictures and had the guy combine them ;-P

DH December 16 2006 5:17 PM EST

i have a pirate flag on my left shoulder. its pretty cool...very detailed

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] December 16 2006 6:24 PM EST

Just uploaded my tattoo that i got this past August. Story behind it is kinda personal, but overall it's there to remind me to always have Faith.

Shooto December 16 2006 7:13 PM EST

Nice cross, I like the way it was slightly colored. Props to you in keeping with your faith. I don't personally believe in "God" but I do stick to my Buddhist beliefs and its good when others stick to theres too.

QBJohnnywas December 16 2006 9:03 PM EST

Have the Ying Yang symbol on my left shoulder. Became a blood donor after that, and they won't let you give blood for a year after you have a tattoo. Decided giving blood was more important. So haven't added to that one. Want a wolfs head for my other shoulder and (god willing) when I start my family will have tatts to commemorate the kids. Dunno what yet.

One of my best friends had a dragon across her back. The tail went down to her rear, the wings were across her shoulder blades and the neck went up her neck, with the dragon's head on the back of her head. I went with her for the body and wings. The total work took five or six sessions across a year. That was about ten years ago and she went for three or four sessions recently to sharpen it up.

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] December 17 2006 3:18 AM EST

When I was 12 I thought I'd try doing one my self used a sewing needle and an old bottle of ink my ma had used last time she used a fountain pen .I put 4 dots in shape of a diamond .It must have been too big because I had to whack it with a pair of pliers I had with me to get it to go in. I was going to fill it in but it was really sore from the hitting I guess. Can't see it any more unless you know were to look and at that just one of the dots are left.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- December 17 2006 5:42 AM EST

My userpic = my tat

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 17 2006 11:28 AM EST

<-- it's an N (backwards and forwards) and an L (upside down/backwards and forwards)...with a W in there somewhere as well...

at least it's at the base of my neck where no one ever sees it...

QBBarzooMonkey December 17 2006 12:54 PM EST

On my right upper arm (basically the same spot as Maddox, but a little lower), I have a reproduction in black and gray of an 11th century German woodcut of the ArchAngel Michael defeating Satan. It's from a series illustrating the Book of Revelations.

It's just high enough that it's covered by most short sleeves. Every now and then, the tip of the devil's tail sticks out, and someone who knows me but never saw it notices, and asks "YOU have a tattoo???!!!!" Then I show them and they freak out even more because it's so big and a subject that is unexpected from me, I guess. Oh, if they only knew me then... :P

Zoom December 17 2006 2:37 PM EST

bah! dirty hippy your going to have to show me this fabled tattoo when I'm over next month! i've never seen it but you always talk about it

SaintChristopher December 17 2006 9:55 PM EST

I have 2 bands of thorns- one around my ankle, the other around my bicep. The one on my arm is is surmounted by a picture of my mom's old guitar, an old Gibson ES-series [my baby]. This week [Thursday] i start work on my back piece- 2 large, black, angel-style wings, dripping blood. Will post pics later.

Shooto December 18 2006 12:15 AM EST

nice, i look forward to seeing it.

DH December 18 2006 10:16 PM EST

are you serious andy? holy smokes....
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