a Character belonging to Fanta
Created September 29, 2006 (NUB until January 27)
that's from the user page of Lawful Awesome, a char I just transfered to Fanta...
I think I had NCB till the 26th of Jan...so I assume this is supposed to work that way...
nope, his nub goes to Jan 29th...
Wow...this makes for some interesting options...
Kong Ming
December 16 2006 11:14 AM EST
I don't think its supposed to be this way. Probably a bug or something.
best bug ever....he can't have an NCB char...because he has the NUB.
and it's not like it extended his bonus or anything...
Yeah, I do get a NUB bonus from this... that's strange.
fantastic is what it is...we now know that NCB chars are worth something
December 16 2006 11:54 AM EST
Well, until Jon changes the code, which I expect he will... quickly :P
December 16 2006 4:08 PM EST
This is working as designed. The NCB wasn't turned into a NUB; Fanta just continues to get his normal NUB with novice's old character, but only until the end of the NCB bonus time.
So, you can't double up on bonuses, and you can't extend a NUB beyond its normal expiration.
December 16 2006 5:39 PM EST
So tell me if I'm getting this wrong, but - I could start a NCB, raise it quickly to 700k MPR, then send it off to a NUB and it would get NUB bonuses on it until its NCB period expires?
December 16 2006 5:43 PM EST
BBQ: the NUB would not receive the NUB money bonus on the NCB char, he would only receive the same NCB bonus that you were previously receiving.
December 16 2006 5:54 PM EST
Oh. Well then I don't like this...
I agree, that is very cool :D
Kong Ming
December 17 2006 12:00 AM EST
That means we can transfer a large character with NCB and the newbie can use his NUB on the NCB character? That doesn't seem right.
why do i see the smart ones 'quiting' and come back as 'someone else' and buy a large char....
December 17 2006 1:35 AM EST
Basically, you gain tremendous PR in 3 months of NCB, then u transfer it to a fresh NUB. They only gain the bonus on that char for the month that was left of NCB. Then, it's gone. Meanwhile, they would still have their original NUB on their created chars. At least, I think that's what Jonathan meant.
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