noneedforthese/drack deal (in Public Record)

noneedforthese December 14 2006 8:54 PM EST

I've dragged Drack in to the world of CB2, and have give him a head start buy purchasing some things for him.
So far, he owes me
*400k for buying supportership
*230k for base tat of augmentation
*1.4mil for HoE (+11)

Which comes to 2.03 mil.
Drack will pay at the rate of a 50k per week minimum, and increasing to 100k per week as his income grows, at no interest.
Further purchases may be made in the future on his behalf, and those will be added to the tab as necessary.
Payments will be made on mondays.

Please confirm Drack,

Drack December 14 2006 8:55 PM EST

I agree

noneedforthese December 15 2006 8:04 PM EST

Adding 50k to the loan, now the balance is 2.08 million

Drack December 17 2006 11:16 AM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $27000 11:15 AM EST
Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $50000 11:11 AM EST
Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $103000 -- Drack/noneedforthese 11:10 AM EST

1.9mil to go

noneedforthese December 19 2006 6:10 AM EST

adding 37k to the tab,
1.937mil to go

noneedforthese December 20 2006 6:18 AM EST

9k added
1.946mil to go

Drack December 20 2006 7:23 AM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $46000 7:22 AM EST

1.9mil to go

noneedforthese December 21 2006 2:09 AM EST

17k more, again ammo
1.917mil to go

noneedforthese December 21 2006 7:54 PM EST

15k more, 1.932mil to go

Miandrital December 21 2006 7:58 PM EST

This debt keeps seeming to go in the wrong direction ;)

Drack December 21 2006 9:57 PM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $132000 9:56 PM EST

1.8mil to go

slow progress mian - lol...

noneedforthese December 23 2006 4:57 PM EST

26k added, 1.827mil to go

Drack December 23 2006 9:25 PM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $227000 9:24 PM EST

1.7mil to go

winner winner December 24 2006 2:31 PM EST

it says no interest though

AdminShade December 24 2006 2:43 PM EST

Indeed, why does the amount owed keep on being increased?

48Zach December 24 2006 2:44 PM EST

Drack has over 700k on his character, he is just not using it to pay this off :D

noneedforthese December 24 2006 2:51 PM EST

Why is there so much interest in this?
SURELY the admins by now have seen multiple accounts of me and Drack logged on at the same time, burning BA at the same time seeing as we're friends from the same city, are we simply under suspicion because I'm lending a hand to a friend I introduced to the game?
Or perhaps I can remind you, I am a MAGE, I have 3 corns, CoI, Alatar and tat near my lvl. What am I going to spend money on? Hmm... Let's put one more + on my item?!?
Can you guys simply not sit back and watch a NUB get more money? Where in the rules does it say a friend may not lend a long term loan to another friend at no interest? I've read multitudes of these discussions before, and all of them have pointed to one thing: if you're not a multi then you can gift. Unless I have two physical entities living at different addresses playing at the same time, I am obviously not a multi.
Please, refrain from diluting our posts with unnecessary comments. If you would like to challenge the legitimacy of this deal between Drack and I, I warmly invite you to check every single ip log you've got and tell me how it's possible for one person to achieve what you see.
With that, I am adding 16k more to the tab, thank you for the explosive shots Shade.
1.716mil to go

noneedforthese December 24 2006 2:53 PM EST

He's not paying it off coz I specifically told him to make minimal payments. Oh, is that against the rules?

Maybe I'll set up a contest and ask "what's my birthday, and birthplace?" and with a prize of 3 million CB2 or something.
Is that against the rules too?

AdminShade December 24 2006 3:05 PM EST

Erm, we are merely asking why that his 'debt' with you is increasing, nothing more.

If you, deliberately, made this deal with him, please specify this in the details of the deal, instead of making other people guesstimate your reasons.

Next time you make a deal and reply to friendly questions, please be a little bit less rude. It is hardly what we (and I as an admin) need, nor asked for...

AdminShade December 24 2006 3:07 PM EST

And another thing:

"Or perhaps I can remind you, I am a MAGE, I have 3 corns, CoI, Alatar and tat near my lvl. What am I going to spend money on? Hmm... Let's put one more + on my item?!?"

Perhaps you would cheat to buy some more BA, which will give you a definite advantage over other people? Remember, you wouldn't be the first one...

Drack December 24 2006 3:27 PM EST

the top post said "Payments on Monday"
hence the 700k - but i'll make payments

and FYI if u checked the transfer log of either character ; the price is bumped up because of the explosive shots he sends me constantly.

hope this clears things

Drack December 24 2006 3:29 PM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $116000 3:29 PM EST

1.6mil to go

AdminShade December 24 2006 5:44 PM EST

That clears up quite a lot indeed, thanks for letting us know Drack :)

noneedforthese December 24 2006 7:58 PM EST

Drack is such a diplomat... i remember the days when it was the opposite.. now I'm the grinch, nya nya nya

noneedforthese December 25 2006 5:02 AM EST

16k added to the tab, explosive shots,
1.616mil to go

Drack December 25 2006 5:05 AM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $116000 5:04 AM EST

1.5mil to go

Drack December 27 2006 12:52 AM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) $1500000 12:51 AM EST

all done

Drack December 27 2006 3:34 AM EST

Drack (Kiesova) noneedforthese (Joyyp) 13,043 Explosive Shots ($6522) -- keep for me 3:33 AM EST

sending to noneedforthese
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