selling kulprit some UC gear. (in Public Record)

TheHatchetman December 5 2006 1:03 PM EST

+40 Gi, and +10 HG already sent. He will be paying 1.2m on a payment plan

TheHatchetman December 5 2006 1:04 PM EST

as a sidenote, the transfer says for 1.4m, but thats just a typo

kulprit [Anarchy] December 5 2006 1:51 PM EST

all true

TheHatchetman December 7 2006 1:26 PM EST

kulprit (kulprit) The Hatchetman (The Hatchetman) $240000 -- here 240k/960k left 9:47 AM EST

as the note says... 960k left

TheHatchetman December 13 2006 2:23 PM EST

adding A Compound Bow [5x67] (+16) 754,360 to what he is buying. Compound bow will add 300k to total.

He sent me another 60k earlier, so the new total is the same as the old one, 1.2m left.

TheHatchetman December 16 2006 2:03 AM EST

kulprit (kulprit) The Hatchetman (The Hatchetman) $200000 -- 200k 1 mill owed now December 15 2006 11:49 AM EST

He is correct, all is as the note says :-)
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