Displaying clan rank update time (in Changelog)

QBsutekh137 December 1 2006 7:13 PM EST

Would it be possible to display on the clan statistics page the next time the server is going to update rankings/bonuses? Usually it is around the top of the hour (plus time for cache flush, IIRC)... But when the server restarts during the day, clan stats refresh, and then they refresh hourly from THAT time (or so it seems). So:

-- Correct me if I am wrong about what I say above...
-- If I am not wrong, can the server tell us the next time it is going to calculate clan stats again (roughly, it could only tell us when it is going to start, it takes some time to do, I suppose).

It would be nice for riding the levels and maximizing rewards for those of use flopping around the 10-30th place clans (it is about the only intriguing part of clans, IMO...)

And yes, I realize the irony of ME asking for a clan-related change. *smile*

AdminJonathan December 7 2006 1:11 PM EST


QBsutekh137 December 7 2006 1:21 PM EST

Oh, you are a wonderful man! Thanks so much for appeasing the guy who complains about clans all the time! :P

QBsutekh137 December 7 2006 1:24 PM EST

I must be dense...where is this new information displayed?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] December 7 2006 1:35 PM EST

At the top of the User/Clan statistics page

velvetpickle December 7 2006 2:07 PM EST

Wow that was way too simple for Sutekh to get his request filled.... Hoping for the same results:

Would it be possible to have all charcters named velvetpickle automatically spawn $1mil CB every hour or so?

QBsutekh137 December 7 2006 2:51 PM EST

Ah, there it is... I just need to remember that now! I never use that page...

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] December 7 2006 4:15 PM EST

I went searching for it just to help you.

And, it was my pleasure.

Shooto December 7 2006 4:57 PM EST

Yeah, I don't use that page either. Any chance you could put it on the Clans -> my stats page? :-D

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 7 2006 6:46 PM EST

He always gets what he wants.

QBsutekh137 December 7 2006 7:35 PM EST

Shooto, that is where I expected it too, but I'm fine where it is.

And I do always get what I want -- there is an easy way for that to happen: ask for logical things that are well-thought out and try to keep a modicum of good Karma. *smile*

Miandrital December 7 2006 9:28 PM EST

Good change. Props to my main man sutekh!

Yukk December 7 2006 9:41 PM EST

Having a pink QB in front of your name probably helps too :)
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