Grrr, this auto-bidding business has to be fixed! (in General)

Relic December 1 2006 2:12 PM EST

Completely LAME!!!

# $992,250 bid by Central Bank (Mr. Chairman) on 11:43 AM EST
# $945,000 bid by Glory (Flavor) on 11:33 AM EST
# $900,000 bid by drop precious cargo (blackmage) on 11:31 AM EST
# $839,214 bid by Glory (Flavor) on 10:23 AM EST
# $799,251 bid by miteke (Tank Killer) on 10:23 AM EST
# $761,191 bid by Glory (Flavor) on 10:18 AM EST
# $724,944 bid by House (bank/storage) on 3:06 AM EST
# $690,423 bid by Glory (Flavor) on 2:19 AM EST

I don't know about you guys, but when you have that many people bidding on a non-user auction, Mr. Chairman needs to butt out. I can't tell you how many times I have had this happen, since when is a little less than a million not an appropriate purchase price for any base item?

Come on Jonathan, I know you are a reasonable guy, either make the Central Bank more intelligent or get rid of it.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2006 2:25 PM EST

that's everyone now Jon...or at least everyone with a pulse...

AdminNightStrike December 1 2006 5:20 PM EST

Or just go with nov's consignment idea.

48Zach December 1 2006 5:48 PM EST

I say get rid of it..

TheHatchetman December 1 2006 6:39 PM EST

I say make it smarter... somehow, if possible. I like its purpose, but it seems its not doing its job properly...

QBsutekh137 December 1 2006 7:59 PM EST

I think it is smart, it just lacks data... Sometimes it is behind the curve, or doesn't even have enough data points to truly represent an item. But I do think the reasoning is sound... That's why I brought up overrides of some sort on the Auction of Slayers thread. Every economy needs an Alan Greenspan for tweaking, yes? *smile* Come on, Jonathan, it would be fun!

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] December 1 2006 9:47 PM EST

Remove it completely. It's not necessary unless under extreme circumstances. It's just more trouble than it's worth.

QBRanger December 1 2006 9:49 PM EST

I personally think there is a large positive to it.

That is if your selling an item and want the best market price.

I have sold large NW DB's that nobody wanted to buy, except Mr. Chairman that is. I got millions more than anyone else in the game would give me.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2006 9:50 PM EST

and you were the last person to do it ranger, since then it only goes up one bid increment

QBOddBird December 1 2006 9:58 PM EST

I'm with sut on this one.

QBRanger December 1 2006 9:58 PM EST

Novice: What?????

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2006 10:03 PM EST

as I understand it, what you did with those morgs and the dbs wouldn't work any more...rather than bidding what it thought it was worth, it would have simply raised it one bid increment...

If you managed to get it bid on a greater than 50% NW auction for dbs...good on ya!

QBRanger December 1 2006 10:08 PM EST


It always just bid once and always once.

I just set a minimum that was what I wanted to sell them for.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 2 2006 5:31 PM EST

the min bid or the number of times it bids are not what I'm talking about...

It used to be its one bid was at whatever it thought market value was, now it's only one bid increment higher.

Flamey December 2 2006 5:38 PM EST

If you set the min at the right place, you only need that one bid.

QBRanger December 2 2006 5:41 PM EST

Yet again novice,

If you set the min bid at what you want, and cb bids it, it is the only bid you need.

That is what I did with my DB's and MH's.

AdminNightStrike December 2 2006 6:00 PM EST

"It used to be its one bid was at whatever it thought market value was, now it's only one bid increment higher. "

Hogwash. That's not true at all. CB has ALWAYS simply checked the current bid, and if it was under market, it would bid one bid increment. Always.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 2 2006 6:14 PM EST

* $15,750,000 bid by Central Bank (Mr. Chairman) on October 1 2006 5:06 PM EDT
* $15,000,000 bid by Shidoshi (Miamoto Musashi) on September 30 2006 4:08 PM EDT


deifeln December 2 2006 6:17 PM EST that lvl 750k might be the increment higher....

QBRanger December 2 2006 6:27 PM EST

Well I guess that auction never existed?

Only 1 bid from Mr. Chairman himself.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 2 2006 7:04 PM EST

Sorry Nov, you're wrong on this one. ;)

The CB auto bid is always only the next bid that can be placed.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 2 2006 7:17 PM EST

Does the bid increment go up on it's own?

Because as I see it 750k is larger than the max bid increment.

deifeln December 2 2006 7:19 PM EST

Yes novice, bid increments do go up.

"To keep auctions from lasting forever, the actual next bid may be higher but never lower "

QBRanger December 2 2006 7:19 PM EST

At higher NW, the bid increment is more than 100k. Sort of like a % of the current bid, or something like that.

I think there have been posts about that in the past but cannot find any right now.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 2 2006 7:22 PM EST

yeah I could swear I saw bids jump by a few mil at some point, but no way to show that now...meh...

AdminNightStrike December 2 2006 8:09 PM EST

"Does the bid increment go up on it's own?"

The bid increment that you place on an auction is the initial bid increment. It then increases non-linearly, proportional to time left, current bid, and number of bids placed.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] December 3 2006 6:56 AM EST

otherwise check this Thread again.
See how many complaints there are about the auto bidding system?
Something needs to be changed. Not removed but changed.

QBRanger December 3 2006 9:22 AM EST

I would guess now that Jon made it ebay style, these posts are passe.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 3 2006 5:26 PM EST

Nah, I'd still like to see the maximum amount that CB will bid at. ;)

Miandrital December 3 2006 7:18 PM EST

"Nah, I'd still like to see the maximum amount that CB will bid at. ;)"

I think that would lead to the artificial inflation that we are all so against. People who are selling their items would obviously put the starting bid around the point where CB would say is a good price, leading other people to have to bid higher than that.
Under the current system, cb only bids if it thinks the price is too low, but since it only bids the next highest amount, the inflation is only as much as the two bid increments (one from cb, one for the next bid).

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 4 2006 1:18 PM EST

Why Mian?

Someon could still bid 1 dollar, and wait for CB to bid 2, to then outbid CB at 3 dollars and win the low priced aution.

Show the maximum amount CB *will* bid at doesn't mean it will bid anywhere near that amount, and would allow people to choose and say "I can't wait for the last 15 minutes to out bid the auto bid, I want this item, I'll outbid it".

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