Getting married this weekend, won't be around much for a few days (in Off-topic)

Xenko November 30 2006 11:13 PM EST

The title pretty much says it all. See you all in a few days. Wish me luck.

(On a totally unrelated topic, work just blocked CB.. boooo!)

Thrasher November 30 2006 11:19 PM EST

All the best mate, enjoy!

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 30 2006 11:53 PM EST

Well at least the good news is better than the bad :)

[P]Mitt December 1 2006 12:00 AM EST

Congrats Kultur!

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 1 2006 12:03 AM EST


AdminShade December 1 2006 12:42 AM EST

Congrats! :)

p.s. you won't need luck, just a sunny day :)

Flamey December 1 2006 2:16 AM EST

nice :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2006 2:20 AM EST


Shadowsparkle [Jago] December 1 2006 2:24 AM EST

Congratulations :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 1 2006 3:00 AM EST


I hope the day goes without hitch! ;)

QBJohnnywas December 1 2006 3:06 AM EST


5583 days old {Gaza} December 1 2006 3:37 AM EST


jayuu December 1 2006 4:49 AM EST

Grats! and best of luck to both of you.

Adminedyit [Superheros] December 1 2006 5:23 AM EST

Awesome Kultur, as a newly wed myself I can tell you that you are in for an incredible day, enjoy.

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] December 1 2006 10:06 AM EST

Luck! Do we get pictures?

QBOddBird December 1 2006 11:18 AM EST

Congratulations to you both!

Xenko December 2 2006 10:19 AM EST

I'll try to get a few pics up for you guys.

2 and a half hours to go! This is the last time I will log onto CB as a single man! :(

AdminG Beee December 2 2006 10:22 AM EST

Have a great day !

[CB1]cheez-its December 2 2006 10:36 AM EST

editing title
"Getting married this weekend, won't be around much FOREVER " anyway congrats 8)

48Zach December 2 2006 11:41 AM EST

Congrats man..

remember to invite us all to the golf game ^_^

Darkwalker [Jago] December 2 2006 12:13 PM EST

Congratulations! and Drink up!

Hyrule Castle [Defy] December 2 2006 1:51 PM EST

He leaves but a boy, and comes back ... a man!

Congratulations Kultur!!

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] December 2 2006 3:29 PM EST

Congrats Sir, Have a wonderful time! You'll never be the same!
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