Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! (in Off-topic)

QBBarzooMonkey November 23 2006 8:37 AM EST

And to all of you CBers not in the US, Happy Thursday!

All the best to you all, my friends!


winner winner November 23 2006 8:42 AM EST

i'm going to stupid baltimore

Hyrule Castle [Defy] November 23 2006 8:44 AM EST

Happy thanksgiving!

me is going to eat turkey

QBJohnnywas November 23 2006 8:45 AM EST

Although I'm in the UK that doesn't stop me wishing you Happy Thanksgiving though does it!

Happy Thanksgiving BM!

th00p November 23 2006 8:54 AM EST

Barzoo doesn't know it yet, but I know where he lives and I'm going to his house for thanksgiving!!

(not really, but that would be kinda cool)

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 23 2006 8:57 AM EST

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] November 23 2006 8:59 AM EST

I think I'll take a Happy Thursday over Happy Thanksgiving any day...stupid possible food allergies. Achoo!

IndependenZ November 23 2006 10:21 AM EST

Happy thanksgiving to all you Americans out there!

*wanders off into his Thursday*

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 23 2006 10:33 AM EST

My special Thursday consisted of a Law lecturer complaining about the setup of my group essay, stupid Thursday.

Enjoy the turkey, I'll be keeping with the juicier bird, chicken at Christmas :)

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] November 23 2006 12:19 PM EST

Happy ThanksGiving!

RedWolf November 23 2006 1:23 PM EST

Happy Thanksgiving indeed!

And also a happy birthday to me :-) mmm....turkey AND cake...

Hyrule Castle [Defy] November 23 2006 1:37 PM EST

lol Happy B-Day RedWolf :P
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