Sorry about crazy refreshing in chat (in General)

kevinLeong November 16 2006 10:27 AM EST

For some reason when I logged on FF started creating CB in a frame within a frame, and then within that frame of that frame, and then that frame in that frame, etc. I don't know what happened...sorry.

BootyGod November 16 2006 10:40 AM EST

Happens to me too. On IE. No idea why, but it's very annoying. Once did it in main chat and it refreshed (I was later told) 14 times.

My advice is just to make your default room something else.

AdminNightStrike November 16 2006 10:51 AM EST

That happens to me all the time. I haven't figured out why.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] November 16 2006 8:50 PM EST

possible virus?
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