Exp Shot drops rate to low? (in General)

The Death Company [...] November 13 2006 2:41 AM EST

Lans (Lans) buy 741 Explosive Shots ($370) November 12 2006 12:38 PM EST

thats was the last set of explosive shots brought from the store ... i know the drop rates are meant to make them rare but 14 hours in between drops (so far .. ) is a bit excessive considering the number of players now using slings

AdminShade November 13 2006 5:04 AM EST

do they drop?

Tylan November 13 2006 5:12 AM EST

i beleive he's referring to the spawn rate in the store.

QBJohnnywas November 13 2006 6:10 AM EST

There was another drop around 10am UK time. But you were probably asleep then....... :P

AdminShade November 13 2006 8:37 AM EST

Perhaps people are hugely misinterpreting the Sling of Death and the Explosive Shots now.

Slings were never meant to be end game weapons.
The new Sling of Death is only a temporary ranged weapon to bridge the gap to the ELB and thus not intended on doing the highest possible damage.

Iron Shots were given increased base damage to give them a better purpose and Explosive Shots were given higher base damage and explosive ability to make them much more useful, however also much more wanted making prices go up.

In a request in making Explosive shots spawn a bit more in the game Jonathan made them a bit less rare and making them spawn in stores instead of auctions at the same time.

Now for the past few weeks people have been moaning and complaining about Explosive Shots (read: the best and most rare sling ammo in the game) being so rare...

first a question: Would it be any fun if Explosive Shots would spawn every hour? Everybody could then get a sling and do damage to all minions in ranged without much effort, is that your definition of fun?

Then now some statistics, just from looking at auctions and store purchases for the past 24 hours:

(For auctions I examined the past auctions of November 12th 8:30 AM until today 8:30 AM server time, for store sales I examined the store purchase log of the past 24 hours and recorded all Explosive Shots buyings)

Slayer Arrows:
A total of 8 stacks with total amount of 4831 arrows spawned.

Seeker Arrows:
A total of 6 stacks with total amount of 2504 arrows spawned.

Slayer Bolts:
A total of 2 stacks with total amount of 1134 bolts spawned.

Seeker Bolts:
A total of 4 stacks with total amount of 2186 bolts spawned.

Explosive Shots:
A total of 14, yes you see it right, 14 stacks with a total amount of 13696, no you aren't dellusional, 13696 shots were bought from store.

So when you say that Explosive Shots aren't spawning enough you are simply eating them instead of using them the way they should.
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