child's play charity (in Off-topic)

deifeln November 7 2006 5:24 PM EST

A few years ago, we had a Child's Play Charity Auction on CB and everyone donated items to be auctioned for USD. The proceeds went to the charity below (run by the guys at Penny Arcade).

Any interest this year?

Adminedyit [Superheros] November 7 2006 5:50 PM EST

i have a few things i can add

th00p November 8 2006 3:02 PM EST

I'm not so sure, but I'm sure I could toss a few things in.

48Zach November 8 2006 4:27 PM EST

Im in

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] November 8 2006 5:46 PM EST

Yes, where is Sukotto when you need him and his legal multi?

Charity November 8 2006 6:25 PM EST

Funny you should mention it. But yes, I have recently returned to CB and am absolutely interested in running a childsplay charity drive again this year.

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