Are you dressing up this year? (in Off-topic)

TheHatchetman October 31 2006 3:12 PM EST

what are you going to be? I'm Violent J, from the Insane Clown Posse :-)

bartjan October 31 2006 3:16 PM EST

What's the occasion?

UncleKracker October 31 2006 3:37 PM EST

I'm a KrackHead

Shooto October 31 2006 3:46 PM EST

Uh the occasion is Halloween. We celebrated it last weekend since its a Wednesday this year. I was a MMA fighter since I already had the gear from training. Had a blast when we went out on Friday.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 31 2006 4:18 PM EST

Lumpy Mattress (just finished gutting it, pictures later)

AdminShade October 31 2006 5:43 PM EST

I'm going as cupid, or big bird :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 31 2006 5:45 PM EST

Chicken Suit?
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