Rental inaccuracy (in General)

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] October 27 2006 2:43 PM EDT

Okay so I rented two items for 3 day periods a piece. Turns out I get a total of 3 days and an hour for the rental. When did it turn into an extra hour for rentals?
Melee Net Worth Owner Back in
A Blacksword of Nan Elmoth [92x1400] (+84) $20,903,044 Vaynard (rental) 3 days 00:52:35
Ranged Net Worth Owner Back in
Strung High [6x2200] (+51) $20,004,141 QBRanger (rental)
3 days 00:52:35

Unappreciated Misnomer October 28 2006 12:48 AM EDT

hallows eve struck again!

j!mbo October 28 2006 6:27 AM EDT

daylight savings time?
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