RSS for the wiki (in General)

AdminJonathan October 27 2006 12:25 AM EDT

Those of you who are addicted to wiki-editing (you know who you are) can get an RSS feed of edits now. Check the XML link for Recent Edits...

While I was at it I added a list of most-edited pages. Enjoy.

QBOddBird October 27 2006 12:26 AM EDT

(not addicted to wiki-editing) but thanks!

AdminNightStrike October 27 2006 1:52 AM EDT

wow.. I was just about to add that to the Wishlist....... spooky.....

Flamey October 27 2006 4:24 AM EDT

I am a wiki-editer, is there a point in asking what a RSS feed is and what it does?

AdminG Beee October 27 2006 4:52 AM EDT

All you need to know Flamey.
This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001w95&msg_id=001w95">RSS for the wiki</a>