Congrats to Sefton and Barzoo!!!! (in Off-topic)

QBRanger October 20 2006 9:50 PM EDT

2 new QB's.

Must be a sign that the Apocalypse is coming.

But seriously, well deserved, both of you. You both add much to the community.

Flamey October 20 2006 9:53 PM EDT

wooo! go guys

48Zach October 20 2006 9:56 PM EDT


I know you guys will both make us proud.

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] October 20 2006 10:03 PM EDT

Yes, congratulations to you both, I've been voting for the two of you all along!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 20 2006 10:03 PM EDT

I can't lose!
This is fantastic!
Congrats to BM AND Sefton!

I voted for the winner, and don't have to feel guilty!

ThatOneMan October 20 2006 10:17 PM EDT


DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] October 20 2006 10:18 PM EDT

Congrats guys thats awesome... You both have deserved this for a very long time!

Gallatin [Thanoscopter And You] October 20 2006 11:00 PM EDT

BarzooMonkey and Sefton really deserve the congrats. Nice job, you two. :D

QBBarzooMonkey October 20 2006 11:32 PM EDT

Congratulations, Sefton! Very well deserved and long overdue!!!

Thanks everyone! I'm really, honestly surprised by this. But it was a very nice surprise after a long day of trying to get my cable connection fixed...

Hmmm, I'll have to think of some way to celebrate... :D

Tylan October 20 2006 11:49 PM EDT

grats guys, you both really deserve this, and im glad we didn't end up having to pick between the both of you!

Slashundhack [We Forge Our Own Stuff] October 21 2006 12:01 AM EDT

Is this CB's first marriage?Congrats and best wishes .

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] October 21 2006 12:34 AM EDT

Thank you very much everyone.

Silatt October 21 2006 12:44 AM EDT

Good Job guys, may we see lots of positive changes and examples from you two in the future.

AdminNightStrike October 21 2006 1:46 AM EDT

Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!

QBJohnnywas October 21 2006 2:37 AM EDT

Yay, congratulations gents! Well deserved, and a long time coming!!!


AdminShade October 21 2006 6:29 AM EDT

Congratulations both of you :)

IndependenZ October 21 2006 6:30 AM EDT

Yeah, congratulations on your two brand new titles =D

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] October 21 2006 6:51 AM EDT

Congratulations guys.

Come to think of it Barzoo's name doesn't seem different to
me, it's like it has been there all along :/

BootyGod October 21 2006 11:15 AM EDT

Kinda with you on this, I hardly even noticed the QB. I always took their advice like they were QB's so its hardly surprising. But I glad they finally got the little letters.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] October 21 2006 11:40 AM EDT

Congrats, guys! :)

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] October 21 2006 12:06 PM EDT


Maelstrom October 21 2006 1:14 PM EDT

Congrats Sefton! Finally, we can all see those letters that we've all known to be there :) Now come back to us, we've missed your advice ;)

Congrats Barzoo! Sorry to put an end to your losing streak! Let's get those fun contests going! :)

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] October 21 2006 2:08 PM EDT

QBQBSefton! \o/

QBBarzoo! \o/

whoot :)

AdminG Beee October 21 2006 2:18 PM EDT

Well done guys... Well Done

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] October 21 2006 5:56 PM EDT

congrats you 2, wish i could say qbbbq but hey its all good

SBW October 21 2006 6:22 PM EDT


AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] October 22 2006 8:23 AM EDT


QBOddBird October 22 2006 9:25 AM EDT

Congratulations you two!!! Well-deserved! :D

AdminQBVerifex October 23 2006 2:08 PM EDT

Congrats! Yay Sefton and Barzoo!

molans[Grumpy] October 23 2006 2:23 PM EDT

Congratulations! All best.
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