Lexus RX question (in Off-topic)

krasko October 11 2006 5:43 PM EDT

I am driving a Lexus RX 2004 made.One guy just told me that his friend got that model from 2006 year and he is trying to explain me that the model is having a system ,which is not allowing you to drive when you are drunked.I doubt that system can be made on any drive but if there is someone who know more about the autbomobile/system please tell me.Thanks.

bartjan October 11 2006 5:48 PM EDT

Builtin breathalyzer. Vehicle won't run if you can't find anyone that does the test for you ;)

krasko October 11 2006 5:55 PM EDT

Bartjan...i doubt any car model will have something like that builtin.:)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 11 2006 6:11 PM EDT

Very quickly you'll see them become standard equipment on all cars, the trick is avoiding false positives...I suspect we'll see blood alcohol measured through the skin via the steering wheel before too long.

QBRanger October 11 2006 6:35 PM EDT

In America, there are no cars with that built in.

However people who in the past have had DUI's (driving under the influence) or DWI's (driving while intoxicated) sometimes have to have one put into their car, at their own expense, as part of any agreements they have with the courts.

Of course, one can have the passenger or a by stander blow clean air to fool the system.

GnuUzir October 11 2006 7:12 PM EDT

LOL my friend had that same thing after her 3rd DUI accident (she only hit walls not other cars), but like Ranger said, it only takes 1 sober person to start the car...

Just don't stall or turn off the engine after you leave ;-p

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] October 12 2006 1:08 AM EDT

Nowadays they make you blow into it at frequent intervals. One sober person who blows into it and sends you on your way could be responsible for a traffic accident when your vehicle, after finding that nobody in the vehicle is willing to blow into the breathalizer, cuts the engine out.
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