ELB / Evasion (in General)

AdminNightStrike October 5 2006 7:09 PM EDT

What size ELB do I need to fight in the 1.9 - 2.1m score range? Is [6x1154] (+66) good enough, assuming I drop my Evasion (25) and replace it with Archery (1.00)?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2006 7:19 PM EDT

that seems like a good start...without a ToA, you won't hit anyone training evasion...

AdminNightStrike October 5 2006 7:24 PM EDT

135k ST and 5k DX. Is that enough?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2006 7:28 PM EDT

sounds like it'll kill enchanters just fine, some more STR would be my first order of business...

AdminNightStrike October 5 2006 7:30 PM EDT

Technically, that minion is a wall, hence why I trained Evasion. However, I'm trying to see if I can salvage this character that's served me so well. I thought the bow might be a good idea.

How much strength?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2006 7:41 PM EDT

look to hit 250k to see damage get to the point where he might kill an enchanter or two...

Flamey October 6 2006 3:32 AM EDT

most first enchanters have evasion trained, to 30 or 50, multiply that by the numbers and your ELB wont hit.

a decent ax/exbow might work on a wall, keep down the other tank, they usually don't have evasion trained, and it will hit in melee if your wall survives.

just saying, your ranged weapon wont hit their enchanters :\
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