Forging versus fighting (in General)
Kong Ming
October 2 2006 4:22 AM EDT
I did a small experiment to find out whether its worth to hire a forger or to forge you gears youself.
I calculated the following:
Forging a BoTH (x): 23 BA per cycle.
nw increase after 23 BA: $16531 (inclusive of rpm 11.4%)
Blacksmith charges: $2346
Potential earnings from 23 BA: $11370 (Average earnings per BA: $494)
Total cost of potential earnings plus blacksmith charges: $13716
Charges for forger (at 70%): $11572
Savings from getting forger: $2144
On doing the sums, it is much cheaper to get a forger to do the forging than to forge yourself. I get to increase my MPR on my character and save money as well. So why be a forger in the first place?
Comments, anyone?
October 2 2006 4:25 AM EDT
well, if you don't plan to forge yourself who will?
Kong Ming
October 2 2006 4:29 AM EDT
You can always hiring a forger who's bored with fighting ;)
The problem with your statistics are that they are only based off of a NUB character bonus. For us normal people it is a bit different when you don't have a bonus to your: Forging, Exp, and Money.
For users without a NUB the calculation would be a little bit different. Assuming the same NW increase per BA.
NW increase: $16531
Blacksmith Charges: $2346
Potential earnings from 23 BA: $5184 (Average earnings per BA: $225)
Total cost of potential earnings plus blacksmith charges: $7530
Charges for forger (at 70%): $11572
Savings from getting forger: $-4042
note: the NW increase per Ba depends on a lot of factors, and therefore should be different, but for the sake of argument I kept it the same.
In this case it would be cheaper to do it yourself instead of hiring a forger.
October 2 2006 5:29 AM EDT
Draco, how would it be different? Everything is scaled according to the same bonus with NUB.
Only NCB is different, as there is no cash bonus. Does NCB get forge bonus?
October 2 2006 5:31 AM EDT
NCB only gets xp bonus, no forging bonus....
Kong Ming
October 2 2006 6:17 AM EDT
But the problem is it will take more BA to do the same amount of nw increase, won't it? So it is still not viable unless you have a very large mpr character I supposed.
Best thing for you is to make those daily CPs.
Kong Ming
October 2 2006 10:21 AM EDT
I'm not in a standard clan so making cp is not important. I guess mpr is important when it comes to forging. Anyone knows the efficiency of forgers at different mpr?
October 2 2006 11:24 AM EDT
Bottomline: when on NUB you fight, and use the blacksmith to upgrade items; once NUB is over, you will find it cheaper to upgrade items yourself through forging.
October 2 2006 11:35 AM EDT
No chuck, NUB has no effect on forge profitability.
Your MPR, that's an entire different story...
I think I know what you're saying bart, but it's going to confuse some folks...
Zhakrin is wrong earlier because he uses the same # for NW increase that Kong Ming does. Having the NUB means that Kong was able to forge way more in those 23 BA than is usual, so the NW increase for a non-NUB should be much less than 16.5k per 23 BA.
KM, you are correct. I forgot about the NUB bonus to forging.
Thinking things over, Bart seems to be correct. NUB and non-NUB forging is equally profitable at the same MPR. The higher NW increase of the NUB forger is offset by the higher loss of earnings. If the NW increase is bigger when forging at a higher MPR, while the average earnings remain the same, there should be a theoretical turning point (in amount of MPR) at which forging would become cheaper than hiring a forger?
October 2 2006 3:31 PM EDT
Another way to look at this: are forgers asking the right rates for their work?
October 2 2006 11:17 PM EDT
not as smart as all of you guys, so go easy....
well, as far as it goes, i think they are right where they should be at 70-80% per job. because with the amount of BA they use, that would wear anyone's finger down. and it takes time, so i think they are doing good for rates.
October 2 2006 11:32 PM EDT
Blue, he's saying forgers may not be asking ENOUGH. Fighting offers a lot more per BA to the player than forging, profitability wise.
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