6 mil, at 2%. Edy to confirm and post additional info.
agreed nothing to add yet
all 6m distributed at Novices request, interest starts on friday, to be paid as soon as is possible.
balance 6,000,000
interest 120,000
balance 6,120,000
missed this my bad
|N|O|V|I|C|E| (Lawful Awesome) edyit (Vlad Tepes) $120000 -- interest October 7 2006 1:20 AM EDT
remaining balance 6,000,000
balance 6,000,000
interest 120,000
balance 6,120,000
received 2m
balance 4,120,000
balance after interest 4,202,400
balance 4,202,400
interest 84,048
total after interest 4,286,448
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